Getting to know: Our Marketing Specialist


Margarida Lencastre is a marketing specialist joining the Moligo team while she completes her Thesis at the Karolinska Instiute’s School of Bioentrepreneurship. We asked her a few questions to get to know her a little better.

Where do you come from?

I come from the beautiful city of Porto, in Portugal.

What is your role? Include the title but include a couple of sentences about what you will do and your hopes and aspirations for the role.

I'm now occupying the role of intern marketing specialist. I'm responsible for producing and posting marketing micro content weekly, as well as assigning tasks to the rest of the marketing team. The goal is to help Moligo with have a good overview of which kind of content generates the most leads, by maximising engagement.

It's a very creative process that involves a lot of experimenting, but very rewarding because I get to use both sides of my brain. I get to analyse my own content and study the competition and find new ways to innovate and make Moligo stand out in the market, with the help of my supervisor Ben Libberton.
I hope that I can contribute to improving Moligo’s marketing strategy and most importantly, I hope to continue having fun!

What are you looking forward to at Moligo?

Well, I would love to have a regular in office experience. Since that's obviously not possible at the moment, I'm really excited to seeing the number of followers and hopefully leads grow!

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to dance (I'm not a professional, not even close), discovering new music, swimming in the ocean, exploring unknown places in nature and being with my amazing friends and family!

What is a fact about you that not many people know?

Well, I think that it's pretty cool that I can recognise the title and artist of a song by listening to its first second only. But one might disagree!


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Expanding the Moligo team