Getting to know: Our Process Development Scientist


Koen Gommers joins us as a Process Development Scientist working on our industrial scale production of single stranded DNA.

Where do you come from?

I come from Belgium. Land of chocolate, beer, waffles and a bunch of other unhealthy/delicious things.

What is your role? Include the title but include a couple of sentences about what you will do and your hopes and aspirations for the role.

As a Process Development Scientist, my main goal will be to optimize the production of industrial quantities of DNA. There will be a lot of challenges during the upscaling but I am sure that, together with the team, we will overcome them with ease. The result will be a robust process capable of delivering ssDNA of the highest quality but also at a reasonable price. Once we are done with this upscaling, we will be enabling the scientific and medical community to actually use this great product in a cost effective way.

What are you looking forward to at Moligo?

I have been given a great responsibility and I am very much looking forward to growing and learning as a person. While I do that, I look forward to Moligo growing with me.

It is a huge honour to be able to be here from the start and I can't even imagine how the company will look a year from now.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

All and nothing. I like going on hikes and bringing some picnic. I also enjoy baking and cooking so sometimes I find myself trapped in the kitchen for an evening making a 3kg batch of waffles which I can happily consume the day after watching a movie.

Other than that, I have 2 cats that also demand quite some attention.

What is a fact about you that not many people know?

I inhale buckets of mayonnaise, kilos of chocolate and deep-fry my fries in beef tallow. My blood is like syrup. On top of that I love listening to schlager music.

Want to know more about Moligo? Talk to an expert about how our technology can give you large scale production of long ssDNA oligos.


Getting to know: Our Research Engineer


Picking the right DNA donor template for CRISPR